Battle Features

There are three main gameplay battle features to highlight as key to Plushie Guardians experience.

Active Time Battle

Our hybrid turn system uses variable time for triggering and setting up actions. Along with the possibility of opponent interruptions and last-minute blocks, this promotes intense duels where telegraphing rival moves is not only possible but essential to victory.

Stance trees

Stance trees with modifiers allow players to specialize plushies mid-combat and exploit their opponent's weaknesses or even correct their own, offering flexibility in approaching each situation.


As the match progresses, each plushie grows in potential, increasing its stamina pool limits and unlocking more powerful skills that can end a match.

In Plushie Guardians: Incursions victory is not assured in advance by hard counters such as elemental type, stats or equipment. The best planning can get the upper hand, but combat’s internal progression systems make it possible to turn the tide, just like in the moba genre.

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