Future Features

Throughout 2023 we will introduce new interactions for Plushie Guardians: Incursions already in development to deepen the player experience and community bonds.

Teamfight PVP

Two-players team battles, with slightly increased rewards for the winning side.

Cooperative PVE

Campaigns or challenges against bugaboos faced by two allied players, improving the chances for rarer resources.

Adventure Mode

The possibility of exploring the five domains of Bugaboo Realm in a continuous campaign, with its own narrative and characters whose fates are intertwined throughout the Plushie Guardians universe.


Community split into factions or nations vying for sovereignty over the new world. Seasons of competition between factions will grant passive advantages to the winning side.


Players will be able to organize into groups with shared goals, carrying the same banners in the battle to become the most respected - or hunted - clan among all bedrooms.

Equipment and Skins

In multiple occasions, packs with new types of equipment and skins will be released to enhance gameplay and expand customization potential. It is worth mentioning that these launches will have a “horizontal” growth logic, widening strategic options, in contrast to “vertical” growth aimed to make previous items obsolete.

New bosses and bugaboos

One of the priority content scheduled is new opponents, mainly bosses, to further diversify the PVE campaigns and approach.


There is the possibility for players to access Incursions entertainment elements at no cost, but with no token earning. Such matter will be taken to community debate.

Last updated